Priyanka chopra about news and photos

New Delhi, Nov. 3 -- Desi girl Priyanka Chopra's first international single, In My City, is sure getting her international fan following.

The latest to join the PC fan club is Jamaican singer Sean Paul. "PC is a stunner! I have heard In my city ... India is a talented country ... With such a single, PC sure does have fans worldwide. I like her and I'd love to meet her," the reggae singer told us.

Recently, Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias, too, said he's in awe of the 30-year-old actor. Asked about which Bollywood actress has his attention, he said, "Priyanka Chopra ... I got to meet her and also managed to see a few of her movies. I loved them! She is great and simply unbelievable."

Enrique also liked PC's debut song. "I also recently heard her single, it was pretty good. I enjoyed it," he said during his recent Bengaluru concert. It's not just singers who are all praise for Priyanka; Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt has fallen in love with PC's voice. "I came across Priyanka's new track and found the song very upbeat and refreshing. She is beautiful and extremely talented. The song is going on my iPod list," The Dark Knight Rises actor said recently. The compliment made Priyanka instantly tweet: "Thank u Joseph!"
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